Thursday, August 6, 2015

" Archibald and the Bald Archy; a photo-bomb" fifth time winner.

 Xavier Ghazi wins the Bald Archy Prize 2015 for the fifth time.
Acrylic on canvas.

Nicole Kidman. Bald Archy Prize entry 2006.

"Nicole". Entry to the Bald Archy Prize 2006. Acrylic on canvas

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Good to know! Entry to this year's Bald Archy prize, "Les Murray, Poet Extraordinary", a favorite of organiser (and judge) Peter Batey.

"Maude’s choice was the portrait of cricketer Mitchell Johnson entitled Wrecking Balls (Ashes to Ashes) by Newcastle artist Judy Nadin. But Mr Batey’s favourite is the Xavier Ghazi portrait of poet, Les Murray, entitled Les Murray Poet Extraordinary ... (It Rhymes)."

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

From the Archives 1987

Weight Lifter (French Magazine cover) 1987. Gouache on illustration board.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

How do you say copyright theft in Greek?!

Some undignified character in Greece thought it was a good idea to "borrow" my image of Joseph Conrad for a book cover without my knowledge and, it goes without saying, paying me one Drachma! But boy! wasn't he generous enough to leave my signature untouched (sarcasm!). By the way, if any here can read Greek and identify the publishing company please let me know, I want to sue their derriere!


Acrylic on illustration board 2006